Farms for sale in the Swiss Alps. Swiss Alps. Villars: skiing, ecotourism and gastronomy. Real estate prices

The Swiss Alps are one of the most sought-after resorts in Western Europe. This is where famous top models, show business stars, politicians and oligarchs come to ski.

Switzerland is a country that is famous not only for its highly developed and stable banking system, but also for all kinds of natural beauties. This is simply a unique area that combines cleanest lakes, endless valleys, snow-capped mountains covered with virgin forests. All this natural beauty is intertwined with magnificent architecture and works of art.

Real estate prices

If you are thinking about buying a home abroad, then you need to pay special attention to houses in mountainous areas. The cost of a chalet in the Alps will be quite high, since almost all the real estate in these parts is elite. However, this is an excellent investment of your money, as housing prices in this region are constantly rising.

If you have already decided to buy a chalet in the Alps, you should know that there are three most popular places for investment:

  • chalet in the Austrian mountains;
  • chalets in Swiss resorts;
  • chalet in the French Alps.

The most elite housing, of course, is in Switzerland, so its cost will be significantly higher. Buying a chalet in the Alps is not so easy, even if you have money. Purchasing a house abroad is, in principle, a rather labor-intensive process, so it is better to entrust such work to professionals.

Is it necessary to resort to the help of intermediaries?

Our professional agency, which specializes in selling real estate abroad, has a high-quality website where you can see current offers and prices.

We advise you to contact our specialists to be confident in the transaction and not to “donate” a lot of money to scammers who put up non-existent living space for sale. Believe me, there are plenty of dishonest people out there. Why take such a risk? ATRealty works transparently and therefore provides guarantees.

Selling chalets in the Alps these days has become very popular destination, because many want to buy a piece of heaven in an ecologically clean place on Earth. This purchase will be your best investment!

In the vicinity of the village of Châtel (Haute-Savoie, 3 km from the Swiss border, it is ski resort) there are 38 farms that mainly produce cheese. The tourism office organizes an excursion to one farm once a week.

The name of the cheese "Abondance" (Abundance) comes from the name of the Abondance valley in Haute-Savoie, where the monks of the Abbey of Abondance began producing cheese in the fifth century. They also developed a breed of cows. In 1381, Abondance Abbey was chosen as the official supplier of cheeses to the table of the conclave meeting to elect a Pope. More than 1,500 kilograms of Abondance cheese were sent to Avignon. At one time, this cheese even served as a cash coin.
Abondance cheese has been protected by the AOC certificate since 1990 and is now produced on 60 farms. It's being made all year round, but the best is considered to be made from summer milking milk.
The farm has 35 Abondance cows. These cows are small, brown, with a speck around the eye, and are adapted for life in the mountains.

Cows are milked twice a day, the milk is poured into a copper vat, an enzyme is added, heated, it sours for a day, and the consistency of liquid cottage cheese is obtained. Then they take a special linen rag, scoop this cottage cheese into it and put it in a mold under a press. It turned out to be five heads of cheese. When it has been sitting for a while, the rags are replaced with dry ones and left under pressure for a day.

The remaining milk is used to fatten the pig.

After lying under pressure for a day, the cheeses are taken to the cellar and placed on special spruce boards

There are about 400 cheeses in the cellar. All are marked: date, manufacturer's number. Green color means farm cheese.

Next, pay attention, every head of cheese (about four hundred!) every day turn over. The head weighs from 7 to 12 kg, depending on the amount of milk produced. Some people coat it with coarse salt, and some wash it.

The cheese lies in the cellar for three months, then it is handed over to the cooperative (lack of space), and there it ripens for another three months, then it is sold. In summer, cows graze in the mountains, on the ground ski slopes. The farmer lives at this time in a second chalet in the mountains and makes cheese there. There are only two people working on the farm - he and his wife. No vacations, no weekends, no trips, but he said that he really likes his life and doesn’t need anything else.