Do I need a foreign passport? Do I need a separate passport for my child? Validity period of a travel document for this country

Professional duty.

What changed and when

WITH December 15, 2015 year, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to obtain a second passport. This can be done in accordance with the Federal Law of December 14, 2015 No. 375-FZ“On amendments to Articles 11 and 18 of the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation.”

Who has the right to this

Previously, this privilege was available to persons who needed a second passport for professional activities. It was necessary to draw up a special request, supported by the signature of the employer.

Today all citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a second passport.

How to book tickets with two passports

When purchasing an air ticket, you can indicate the details of any “foreigner”. If you are traveling to a country with complex political relations, you should choose a passport with the fewest marks in unfriendly countries.

Why do you need a second passport?

From year to year, the geopolitical situation in the world is heating up: states are breaking up into small countries, wars and local conflicts are breaking out, sanctions and various restrictions are coming into force. It is becoming difficult to move around the world; a number of restrictions will not allow persons who have visited a certain state to enter the territory another countries.

Example: upon receipt of a visa to Greece or at Cyprus You will most likely be refused if you see a note in your passport about visiting the unrecognized “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.”

A similar situation will await those who decide to get into Georgia if there is a stamp from Abkhazia. Here, along with a refusal to issue a visa, you can get a prison sentence (for violating the law on unrecognized and occupied territories).

Where else are there similar restrictions?

Do not think that the situation is limited to the examples described. There are a large number of warring countries that do not like foreigners visiting enemy states. Here is a list of the most common and well-known examples:

  • Israel is an Arab country. If you have a stamp about visiting Israel, you can forget about entering Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan. There may be problems when visiting Algeria, Bahrain, Yemen, Qatar, UAE and Oman.
  • Armenia/Nagorno-Karabakh – Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani border guards, upon seeing an Armenian stamp or a mark of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, can conduct an explanatory conversation, issue a fine or refuse entry.
  • Abkhazia/South Ossetia - Georgia. The situation is similar to the previous one, but the list of measures against the violator will be supplemented with imprisonment.
  • Cuba - USA. Anyone who has a green card or plans to obtain US citizenship should be wary of stamps for visiting Cuba. When entering America, Cuban souvenirs may raise questions, and on the Island of Freedom itself it is better not to show dollars and US bank cards.
  • Kosovo - Serbia. Another conflict area. You may not be allowed into Serbia if you have a stamp confirming your visit to Kosovo.
  • India - Pakistan. When leaving for Pakistan from Indian territory, you should take care of obtaining a special stamp that will allow you to return, otherwise you will have to pass through a third country or wait two months.

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Other benefits of a second passport

1. You can always go somewhere. In addition to the absence of difficulties with traveling to conflicting countries, citizens with two passports will not be “restricted from traveling.” As long as one passport is at the consulate, in order to obtain a visa, they will not worry about the expiration date of the document (after all, there is always a second passport with a different validity period).

2. You won't get stuck if you lose your passport. A tourist will not get stuck in the country if he loses one of his passports. Of course, you will have to settle the controversial issue, because the second passport will not have an entry stamp, but there will be no problems with confirming your identity.

3. There are more pages for marks. Those who have received a long-term visa to a certain country will not need to return their old passport if it runs out of pages for marks.

How to get a second passport

The procedure for obtaining a second passport is no different from obtaining the first. All details can be found on the website of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues. The second passport will definitely be of a new type with an information chip and biometric data.

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P.S.: the state fee for a second passport will be 3,500 rubles for people over 14 years old or 1,500 rubles for children.

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Every year thousands of Russians cross the Ukrainian border on vacation or to visit. Many people ask the question: do you need a foreign passport to Ukraine? Maybe it’s enough to have an internal Russian passport with you? To travel to Kyiv and Odessa, as well as to other Ukrainian cities, a foreign passport is required for Russian citizens. Changes in entry rules occurred relatively recently.

Just a few years ago, Russian tourists did not even think about whether they needed a foreign passport to travel to Ukraine. It was possible to cross the border with only an internal document - a general Russian passport. For minor children, it was enough to present a birth certificate and a power of attorney to travel, if necessary. But the rules have changed.

A change in the procedure for crossing the border of the Russian Federation with Ukraine occurred on March 1, 2015 at the initiative of the Ukrainian side. The impending changes became known in February 2015. Even then, the Ukrainian prime minister announced a tightening of the procedure for crossing the state border, motivating this decision with concern for the security of Ukraine and the need to control the movements of people. The visa-free regime operating on the border between Russia and Ukraine has been partially limited.

If previously entry into Ukraine was allowed for citizens of the Russian Federation using internal passports, then from March 1, 2016, every Russian arriving on the territory of Ukraine is required to have a foreign passport of the established form. In this case, a visa is not required. The previous procedure has been preserved for persons who have valid official (for example, an airline crew or a sailor) or diplomatic passport.

The maximum permitted period of stay in Ukraine for Russian citizens is limited to three months (90 days) for each half of the year - as in most Schengen countries with a multiple visa.

Russia did not take any prohibitive actions in response. Ukrainian citizens intending to enter Russia still do not need a visa or a passport. Entry is carried out using an internal Ukrainian passport.

The only condition is that the document must be valid at the time of crossing the border and not have any defects or corrections that may raise doubts about its authenticity.

Rules for children

If you are planning a trip with minor children, make sure that they are included in the foreign passport of the parents or at least one of them. Upon reaching 14 years of age, adolescents are required to obtain their own passport and present it when crossing the border.

A birth certificate is not a document on the basis of which you can go through passport control. However, you need to have it with you in order to confirm family ties and eliminate the need to issue a power of attorney to a notary to travel outside the Russian Federation.

Difficulties arising at the border

The political situation in Ukraine leaves its mark on border control rules. Be especially careful if you are going to visit the so-called Donetsk and Lugansk republics. The problem is that you can enter there from Russia freely, there are no obstacles. But if you next plan to travel to Ukraine, difficulties will arise. From the point of view of the Ukrainian authorities, you will illegally cross the border of the state, because there is no full-fledged border control in the combat zone.

According to the new rules, Russian citizens have the right to cross the border only at specially equipped international checkpoints and only with a foreign passport. You can travel back to Russia through any local border checkpoint.

The procedure for crossing the Ukrainian border

Ukrainian border service officers may require you to show a Russian internal passport; we advise you to have this document with you.

There are often demands to prove solvency - but they are illegal. According to the rules, Russians are not required to demonstrate the presence of funds at the border with Ukraine. At the border you will have to fill out a migration card.

Important! Those who often visit relatives can put a border crossing stamp in the tear-off part of the migration card so as not to waste pages in the international passport. Keep the map until the end of your trip.

There are no restrictions on the import and export of currency. A customs declaration is completed if the amount of goods purchased exceeds 10,000 euros.

We hope that Ukraine will maintain the visa-free regime for Russians, and you will be able to freely visit relatives and friends, see the sights of Kyiv and Odessa and relax in resorts. Just don't forget to take your passport with you.

There are common cases when, after receiving a birth certificate, a foreign passport becomes the child’s second main document. Most parents. But many parents, before traveling abroad, are concerned about the question of whether their children need a separate passport, what this may affect, and how quickly it can be issued.

Children under 14 years of age can travel to different countries using the passport of one of the parents, which contains information about the child. This option is considered the simplest, but has a couple of disadvantages:

  • A child can travel only with the parent in whose passport he/she is listed.
  • In 2019, a child can only be included in a foreign passport with a five-year validity period (children are included in a chipped document only to confirm family ties).

When deciding to issue a foreign passport for children, you need to decide on the type of document.

A biometric passport is issued for 10 years, but it is worth considering that a child grows and changes quite quickly, and at the border there may be problems with photo identification, and border control may take longer. Therefore, an old generation passport is considered the best option for young children.

Does a small child need a foreign passport?

There are no age restrictions for issuing a foreign passport by federal law., so the document can be issued to the child from his birth. Adults are allowed to fly on the plane in the same seat with a child whose age does not exceed 2 years. However, border guards impose the same requirements on children of all age groups.

Registration process

The process of issuing a separate document for a child is identical to the procedure for issuing an adult citizen of the Russian Federation. The main stages are identified:

  1. Preparation of mandatory and high-quality photographs.
  2. Filling in any convenient way.

    or the local branch of the migration service (in some regions of the country the application is submitted to a multifunctional center).

  3. Waiting for a response and receiving a foreign passport.

The migration service department is selected based on the permanent place of residence of the child’s parents. Multifunctional centers accept applications for a five-year foreign passport, which will be ready within 3 weeks. The advantages of applying to the MFC are the absence of long queues and convenient work hours.

Using the State Services Portal, you can quickly and conveniently fill out an application, upload a photo and wait for a response and appointment of a date for a visit to the FMS to receive the completed document.

Imagine this situation: today you have a wedding, and tomorrow you have a honeymoon trip to the Maldives or Phuket. That is, the wife has a new surname, but the old surname is indicated in both the Russian and foreign passports. How to be? Will they allow you to go abroad if your passport information is not formally correct? In fact, there is no reason to worry. You can easily pack your bags and think about tropical beaches.

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5 questions about your passport after changing your last name

I already have air tickets in my hands and a visa in my passport. But yesterday I changed my last name at the registry office. Will they let me go abroad?

Yes, they will let you in. To travel abroad you only need a passport. Nobody will ask you for your internal Russian passport. Therefore, it does not matter at all what the surname is on it or on the marriage certificate. It is important that the last name on the international passport matches the one indicated on the air ticket.

Do I need to change my passport after changing my last name?

Yes need. However, you can change your international passport only after receiving a general passport with a new surname. By the way, your general passport must be changed within a month after marriage, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.

Also, if you changed your general passport, but your foreign passport remained with your old last name, then you can freely continue to fly to (Montenegro, Georgia or Thailand), where no one will ask you for your Russian passport. But if you want to go to a visa country (Schengen countries, USA or UK), then to apply for a visa you will have to provide a general passport, where the last name does not match the passport. In this case, you need to immediately change your passport.

Based on what law do you need to change your passport?

According to the Order of the Federal Migration Service (FMS of Russia) dated March 26, 2014 No. 211: “108. If it is impossible to further use a new generation passport before its expiration due to the lack of free pages for affixing foreign visas, marks from border authorities, changes in personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, gender, etc.) or a significant change in the appearance of the owner of the new generation passport, and also in case of damage to the document or its loss, the applicant, upon his application, is issued a new passport of a new generation in the manner established by the Administrative Regulations.”

Will I have to get all the visas again if I already have them in my old passport?

Unfortunately, you will have to apply for a new visa. If you change your passport with open visas, then they are automatically closed, and no one will put you on the plane, even if you take both passports with you - the old one with a supposedly valid visa and the new one with a new last name.

Today, a fairly common situation is when a person lives for a long time without. If there is a need during this period to prepare the necessary documents for traveling abroad, it is possible to obtain a foreign passport without having a residence permit. However, in these circumstances, the waiting period for the document will be longer than the standard period or will require pay additionally for a specific service.

Is registration required to obtain a foreign passport?

Any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive a foreign document without. A person registered in another region has the right and opportunity to apply for the issuance of this document in any region in Russia. This right is enshrined at the legislative level.

It is possible to obtain a foreign passport without receiving it in the city, but it is not entirely easy. We must be prepared for the fact that urgent execution of this document will be almost impossible.

You need to know that it is possible to obtain a foreign passport without registration using standard temporary registration. It should be borne in mind that the legislation defines the required period for carrying out such a procedure, which is four months. They will be needed to check your documents. An important point is that this opportunity is available only to persons with Russian citizenship and an internal passport.

The procedure for obtaining a foreign passport without registration

You need to go through the following steps:

  1. Prepare the necessary documents for the FMS.
  2. Fill out the application and questionnaire in the appropriate form.
  3. Submit the package of documents to a specific department of the Federal Migration Service.
  4. Pay the state fee. Important - you should carefully check the details, as they must belong to the regional division of the FMS.
  5. Get a passport.

It must be remembered that the main point in the procedure for filling out the questionnaire and application is the place of registration. Therefore, the registration certificate will be required to be valid throughout the entire period of passport registration. Required period - more than 4 months from the date of application.

What documents will be required?

The pressing question is what exactly is needed when collecting papers? To obtain a foreign passport without registration, you will need to prepare.

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Military ID or a document replacing it.
  3. A certificate confirming the absence of a criminal record or existing restrictions related to state secrets.
  4. Photos, the number of which will depend on the type of document. Old type passport – 4 pcs., new type – 2 pcs. The size of the photographs is the same - 3.5 x 4.5 cm, can be provided in color or black and white, paper - matte.
  5. A completed application form.

An important point is that working citizens must certify the completed application form at the place of their employment. Citizens who do not work are exempt from this requirement.

Do you need a work book?

There are cases when, when applying for a foreign passport without, representatives of the FMS may require a certified photocopy of the work record book or certificate of employment . It is important to know that such certificates are not included in the mandatory list of documents. Consequently, if a citizen does not submit the specified certificates, the FMS division does not have the right to refuse to accept and consider the package of papers.

Do I need a military ID?

Another possible potential problem concerns individuals who do not have military ID, and did not serve in the armed forces. It will be necessary to resolve the issue of obtaining the necessary certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, which will serve as confirmation that the citizen is not evading conscription into the army.

What if there is no registration at the place of residence?

A pressing question is how to obtain a foreign passport if a citizen has permanent registration in another region, and at the place of actual residence I didn’t have time to register temporarily?

In the modern world of high technology, a registration mark in a passport, tying a citizen to a specific place, is a deep relic of a bygone time. Nowadays, government systems and mechanisms of electronic interaction are already functioning quite well, which are capable and intended to significantly make the life of ordinary people easier.

To obtain a foreign passport without registration, you must correctly fill out the appropriate form. The main point is the residential address, where you should indicate your actual location. In this case, you will need to indicate a specific postal address - city, street, house.

Important - a person submits a package of papers for registration of a foreign document without registration on a general basis, taking into account address data. It is necessary to understand that depending on the location actual location You should contact the appropriate department of the Federal Migration Service.

How can I speed up the procedure?

It can be accelerated if certain conditions are met:

  • If there is documentary evidence of the need for emergency treatment of a citizen.
  • Serious illness or death of a close relative who is abroad.

In these situations, the period for issuing a foreign document is 3 days.

Another opportunity to speed up the procedure is specialized non-state structures that provide services of this kind on a commercial basis.

Details of obtaining a passport without registration on video

I went on a business trip, rented an apartment for a while - is it possible to get a foreign passport not at the place of permanent registration and in what time frame can this be done?