Slide tour of one of the Russian monasteries. The oldest monasteries in Russia. Novodevichy Convent

Lesson objectives:

Introduce students to the amazing monuments of Ancient Rus' - monasteries;

Present monasticism as a person’s voluntary choice of the path of serving God;

Show the role of monasteries and monasticism in the state and cultural construction of Russia.

Lesson objectives.

Educational: introduce students to the Orthodox traditions of monastic life, monastic vows, and monastic vestments.

Developmental: understand monasticism as the embodiment of one of the possible callings of a person; expand students' horizons, the ability to work with a textbook, work in groups, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, and develop coherent speech.

Educational: to realize the difference in the manifestations of a life's calling and a random desire, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards monks, towards the rules of monastic life.


Teacher's lecture;

Self-presentation of guides - students;

Working with historical sources;

Analysis of historical material.

Basic terms and concepts:

A monk (nun) is a person who, due to his religious beliefs, decided to live without a family. He himself believes that he did not so much refuse as agree: he agreed with a certain “call” - the call of God, which pointed him to his calling.

Monastery - means a monastery (from the verb “to dwell”) in which live people who have withdrawn from society and dedicated themselves to serving God - monks, or monks. Monks take vows of obedience, humility, purity, and perform feats of fasting and prayer. There are monasteries for men and women. Monk, novice - until he is tonsured into the “small schema” (conditioned by the final acceptance of monastic vows and the naming of a new name). I. - like a “novice monk”; In addition to the cassock, he also receives a kamilavka. I. retains his worldly name and is free to stop completing his novitiate at any time and return to his former life, which is for a monk, according to Orthodoxy. laws is no longer possible

Prayer is an important part of the spiritual life of a believer,” the appeal of “a person to God, gods, saints, angels, spirits, personified natural forces, generally the Supreme Being or his intermediaries,” the most important manifestation of public and private religious life in verbal or mental form, is divided “for praises, petitions and thanksgiving.”

Obedience is human behavior characterized by voluntary submission to authority. In many traditional cultures it is considered a virtue.

Vestments - clothes of the clergy, clergy and monks. According to its meaning, vestments are divided into: a) non-liturgical vestments of the clergy;

b) liturgical vestments of the clergy; in monastic vestments.

Lesson type: a lesson in the formation of new knowledge, conducted in the form of an excursion.

Necessary technical equipment.

  • Multimedia projector.
  • Computer for playing a disc with lesson materials.
  • Disc with lesson materials. (Presentation).
  • Individual handouts.

During the classes

1. Identification of perception, motivation

Each of the previous generations, whether it wanted it or not, left traces in our Russian culture. Some things remain less noticeable to us, while others may remain in people’s memory for a long time. Undoubtedly, Orthodox monasteries, after many centuries, evoke admiration and surprise all over the world from not only ordinary people, but also professional builders. Architectural monuments are not only the adornment of any city and village, but they are also a national treasure and shrines of every state. The role of the monastery and monastic deeds are significant in the life of society and the state.

2. Studying new material. Teacher lecture

A monastery, on the one hand, is a form of organization of a community of monks living according to a certain charter and observing religious vows; on the other hand, it is a complex of liturgical, residential, economic and other buildings, usually enclosed by a wall. In defining a monastery, we are more interested in its second part. Analyzing the concepts, it becomes clear that such as a church and a temple are almost the same, but the concept of a monastery is much larger in scope and includes the first two, since in addition to premises for worship, it also accommodates a number of other buildings. Historian researchers note that the first monasteries arose after the introduction of Christianity in Rus' in 988 by Prince Vladimir. At this time, hermits began to appear who, renouncing worldly goods, set as their goal the salvation of the soul. For some time, the hermit, exhausted by hunger and cold, becomes the image of a true Christian. It is clear that they have imitators from among ordinary people who settled near the hermits’ dwellings. This is how secluded settlements began to emerge - monasteries. Their inhabitants, the monks, were considered like brothers and obeyed the eldest, the abbot, and honored him as a father. Tradition says that the first Metropolitan Michael founded the first monastery and church in the name of the Archangel Michael on one of the Kyiv mountains, not far from the place where Perun previously stood. During the first years of their existence, the monasteries were agricultural settlements, although not similar to ordinary peasant farms. The monks cleared the forest, started arable land, planted vegetable gardens and hayfields. Villages and hamlets were formed near the established monasteries. In a number of well-known cases, cities were built near them. So, in hungry and harsh years, they fed hundreds of starving people; during the war, hospitals, hotels and almshouses were often created in monasteries; monasteries were also centers of educational and missionary activity; the monastery remained a place of refuge and shelter in case of old age and disability. Having acquired national significance, the monasteries served the cause of the military defense of Rus' from enemies. Possessing human, material, and spiritual resources, coupled with well-established managerial and organizational principles, they became, as it were, “breakwaters” on the path of the movement of enemy hordes. Thus, history shows how at the beginning of the 17th century the defenders of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, near Vologda, withstood the siege of the Polish-Lithuanian invaders for more than six years.

3. Leading task

Express your opinion about when monasteries arose in Russia and what are people who choose the path of monastic service called to?

The Tatar yoke led to the destruction of some monasteries, but contributed to the construction of new ones. The 14th century was a time of particularly strong development of monasteries in Rus'. Until the middle of the 15th century, over a century and a half, up to 180 new monasteries were founded. The increase in the number of monasteries was facilitated, on the one hand, by the benefits that the Russian clergy enjoyed from the Tatars. On the other hand, people's religious feelings were strengthened. This happened under the influence of the recent horrors of the Tatar invasion. The Trinity Monastery, founded in the mid-14th century by Sergius of Radonezh, is of particular importance. From it monks dispersed throughout the north of Russia and founded new monasteries. Eleven monasteries were founded in Tver and four in Nizhny Novgorod. Dionysius of Suzdal founded the Pechersky Monastery on the banks of the Volga in the 14th century. His disciple Euthymius founded the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery. Macarius of Unzhensky, moving from one place to another, founded three monasteries within the Kostroma region.

In some monasteries there were up to 300 monks, in others there were only a few monks. Small monasteries, for the most part, were not independent. They depended on the big ones. In some monasteries, monks and nuns lived together. Sometimes women's monasteries were assigned to men's monasteries and were governed by abbots. Each monk had his own household and lived separately. The monks came together only for worship. The northern small monasteries, which had from 2 to 10 monks, were distinguished by this character. In the XV-XVI centuries there were up to 300 newly founded monasteries. The monk could freely leave the monastery without asking anyone's consent. He chose a secluded place for himself, built a cell, and gathered several souls of the brethren. As a result, a monastery was formed. Rich and noble people sometimes founded their own monasteries, which were completely dependent on them. Large monasteries formed colony monasteries from themselves. That is, assigned monasteries that remained under their jurisdiction. Sometimes some monasteries were assigned to others by order of their founder or government.

In the period from the XV to the XVII centuries. By the way, the following monasteries were founded. Novospassky, Nikolaevsky on Ugreshi and Novodevichy monasteries were founded in Moscow and its environs. In Tver: Kalyazinsky, Troitsky Selizharov. In Smolensk, Holy Trinity Boldinsky. Assumption Zilantov Monastery in Kazan. In the Novgorod-Pskov land: Troitsky Alexander-Svirsky, Tikhvinsky Uspensky, Pskov-Pechersky. In the Dvina region, the Anthony of Siysky Monastery. In the Belozersky region there are Nilova Hermitages and others. Almost all monasteries, except the northern ones, were communal. That is, men and women lived in them. Some monasteries served as parish churches. In 1528, Macarius, later Metropolitan of Moscow, as Archbishop of Novgorod, sought to introduce communal living in North Russian monasteries. He partially succeeded in this. Some founders of monasteries, following the example of Theodosius of Pechersk, Kirill of Belozersky, Euphrosynus of Pskov, themselves wrote statutes for their monasteries. This could include Joseph Volotsky, Nil Sorsky, Gerasim Boldinsky and others. However, the general foundations of ancient Russian monastic life were developed by life itself, regardless of these statutes.

The head of the monastic community was the abbot, and in women's monasteries the abbess. The abbots were usually elected by the monastery council, but could also be appointed by the diocesan bishop if the monastery depended on him. The abbots of the most noble monasteries were confirmed in their positions, and sometimes were appointed by the king himself. Without the blessing of the abbot, nothing could be undertaken by the monastery, but the abbot had to consult with the cathedral. The economic part was concentrated in the hands of the cellarer, who was in charge of the monastery estates. He calculated all income, expenses and fees. For this he had many assistants. The monastery's treasury was in charge of the treasurer.

All officials were elected by the monastery community. The written affairs of the monastery were managed by the clerk or clerk. In court cases of the monastery, the solicitor interceded. Admission to the monasteries was free, but those who wished were required to contribute money or other property. Only those who made a contribution were considered valid members of the monastic community. Those accepted without a contribution, “for God’s sake,” did not take part in monastic life. They constituted that wandering monastic element that was so strong in ancient Rus'. The spiritual authorities fought with him stubbornly and in vain. Stoglav (church document) ordered that “those who come with faith and fear of God” be accepted into monasteries without a contribution.

4. Self-presentations – student excursions. The largest monasteries in Russia.

Presentation 1. Alexander Nevsky Safroniev Monastery

Presentation 2. Verkhoturye Nikolaevsky Monastery

Presentation 3. St. Nicholas Monastery

Presentation 4. Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

Presentation 5. Odigitrievsky Monastery

Presentation 6. Holy Vvedensky Tolga Convent

Presentation 7. St. Seraphim-Sarov Monastery

Presentation 8. Solovetsky Monastery

Presentation 9. St. Daniel's Monastery

Presentation 10. Holy Dormition Sarov Hermitage

Presentation 11. Novodevichy Convent

Presentation 12. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Presentation 13. Bogolyubsky Monastery

4. Summing up

A monastery is a church institution in which a male or female community lives and operates, consisting of Orthodox Christians who have voluntarily chosen the monastic way of life for spiritual and moral improvement and joint confession of the Orthodox faith. The decision on the opening of monasteries belongs to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' and the Holy Synod on the proposal of the diocesan bishop. Monasteries are divided according to their subordination into stauropegial and diocesan. Stavropegic monasteries are under the superior supervision and canonical management of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' or those Synodal institutions to which the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' blesses such supervision and management. Diocesan monasteries are under the supervision and canonical administration of diocesan bishops. Now much is being done to revive the best Orthodox traditions and shrines and, above all, this concerns the restoration of monasteries and churches. The fact is that they are not just institutions for the fulfillment of the religious needs of believers, but “spiritual and historical centers”; they constituted, as it were, the foundation stones of the building of the Russian state.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra

There are probably no people in Russia today who have never heard the name - Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Perhaps the monastery, founded 676 years ago by St. Sergius of Radonezh, is today the most famous in Russia. The most important moments in the history of Rus' are inextricably linked with it. The monastery took part in the fight against the Tatar-Mongol yoke and opposed supporters of the government of Lezhedmitry II during the Time of Troubles.

The monastery quickly became the cultural and religious center of the Russian state. Manuscripts were copied here, icons and chronicles were written. Outstanding icon painters Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny took part in the painting of the temple itself. The famous Trinity of Andrei Rublev was painted for the iconostasis of the cathedral. The Lavra has always been a favorite place for pilgrims, dating back to tsarist times. Ivan the Terrible was baptized in the monastery, and for Tsarevna Sofia Alekseevna, Tsarevich Ivan and Peter it was a refuge. Even Peter I took refuge here when he was fleeing Moscow.

Today people come to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra not only to pray, but also on excursions. Here you can see the Trinity Cathedral, built in the 15th century, the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on Cathedral Square, on the northern wall of which rests the relics of St. Maxim the Greek, the Assumption Cathedral, where the relics of Saints Philaret and Innocent are located, the Refectory Church, as well as the tallest bell tower in Russia 88.5 meters. It was from here that the Tsar Bell was thrown down and broken in the 20s. There are tours of the monastery for children and adults; they are conducted in different languages.

You can also visit the Sacristy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and see icons, handwritten ancient books, sewing works, gold and silver items. In addition, there are several healing springs where you can get water.

At the end of Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg is the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, a currently active monastery, as well as an oasis of Russian spiritual life on Monastic Island. The decision to build a monastery on this site is attributed to Peter I. It is believed that in this place, where the Monastyrka River flows into the Neva, in 1240 there was a battle between the squad of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the Swedes. In memory of those events, as well as in honor of the victory over the Swedes in 1704, the monastery was given the name - Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Monastery.

It was founded in 1710. Later, the Annunciation Church and chapel were built here, and the construction of the monastery settlement and the Metropolitan House began. In 1797, the monastery acquired the highest status - the status of a monastery. The Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra is the main one in the ensemble of the monastery. On the territory of the monastery there are Lazarevskoye and Novo-Lazarevskoye cemeteries, where D.I. is buried. Fonvizin, M.V. Lomonosov, N.M. Karamzin, I.A. Krylov, V.A. Zhukovsky, F.M. Dostoevsky and other famous figures of the country.

The Alexander Nevsky Lavra is one of the most beautiful architectural ensembles of St. Petersburg. Tourists come to look at the beauty and severity of the monastery buildings and bow their heads before the outstanding figures of Russia who rest here. Pilgrims arrive at the monastery to venerate the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky, which are located in the Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra.

One of the most beautiful monasteries is Valaam, located on an island in Lake Ladoga in Karelia. The active monastery is surrounded on all sides by water and seems to have been created for a quiet monastic life. The nature here is extremely beautiful, which further attracts pilgrims and tourists. This place is called Northern Athos. The beginning of the creation of the monastery here is associated with the activities of Sergius and Herman of Valaam Wonderworkers.

During its history, the monastery was repeatedly attacked and destroyed due to its proximity to the border with Sweden. But the monks themselves never took up arms, preferring to die. At the beginning of the 17th century, the monastery was even completely destroyed, but then the monastery of the monks was restored. At one time, Valaam was visited by Emperors Alexander I and Alexander II, other members of the imperial family, painters Shishkin, Vasiliev, Kuindzhi, writers and poets Leskov, Tyutchev, Shmelev, Zaitsev, composers Tchaikovsky and Glazunov, scientists Miklouho-Maclay, Mendeleev and others.

Today, pilgrims can visit Valaam only through a special pilgrimage service. Guests are received here in a hotel located in the cells of the monastery. Here you can simply relax in silence from the bustle of the world, take part in divine services, visit monastery exhibitions, and even learn various types of decorative and applied arts yourself.

Novodevichy Convent

The monastery was founded in the 16th century in the suburbs of Moscow on Devichye Pole. The cathedral church of the monastery was built on the model of the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. The walls and towers of the monastery were built in the 16th-17th centuries, and most of the buildings are made in the “Moscow Baroque” style.

Representatives of the royal and princely families are buried here, including Grand Duchess Sofya Alekseevna. Also, guests of the monastery can visit the graves of the poet Davydov, the writer Chekhov; Gogol, Bulgakov and many Russian cultural figures are buried in the new cemetery of the monastery.

Today, some of the buildings and cathedrals are under the jurisdiction of the museum, others belong to the monastery. The Novodevichy Monastery houses the revered Smolensk and Tikhvin (16th century) icons of the Mother of God.

In the Vologda region, on the shore of Lake Siverskoye, the Kirillo-Belozersky (also Kirillov) male Orthodox monastery is located. It was founded in 1397 by the monks Kirill Belozersky, a follower of Sergius of Radonezh, and Ferapont Belozersky. At that time, the monastery was a kind of outpost of the Moscow state in the enemy lands of the Novgorod Republic. There is an interesting historical detail - in 1528, Grand Duke Vasily III went to the Kirillov Monastery with Princess Elena Glinskaya to pray for an heir. And he was born - the future Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who all his life considered himself indebted to the monastery for his birth and before his death he became a tonsure monk. Peter I came to the monastery in 1722. Now part of the monastery buildings belongs to the Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve.

Pilgrims can visit the temples and museums of the monastery. His relics rest in the Church of St. Kirill Belozersky. A copy of the first wooden cell of St. Cyril and the cross erected by the monks during the settlement have been preserved. Not far from the monastery, on Mount Maura, a wooden chapel was built and a worship cross was erected.

Optina Pustyn is one of the oldest Russian monasteries. The Orthodox monastery is located near the city of Kozelsk in the Kaluga region. The exact time of its foundation is unknown, however, according to legend, Pustyn existed even before the Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'.

It is believed that the founder of the Desert was a repentant robber named Optin. At first, the monastery consisted of only one wooden church and about a dozen monks living in simple cells. After some time it was destroyed and revived only at the end of the 18th century. New churches were built, residential buildings for the brethren, a refectory, a library, a mill, and even tile and brick factories appeared.

Gogol and Dostoevsky visited here at one time. Today, guests of the monastery can even see the houses where great writers stayed. Dostoevsky's impressions of the trip are described in the novel The Brothers Karamazov. And the prototype of Elder Zosima was Elder Ambrose of the Optina Skete. In general, the Optina Hermitage is famous for its inhabitants. Legends continue to circulate about the amazing elders and miracle workers of the Desert today. Some of them - healers of soul and body - are canonized. Outside Russia, Optina Pustyn is also known. The story of the murder of three monks on Easter in 1993 shocked many.

And today, pilgrims come here primarily in the hope of receiving healing. The monastery includes the main temple - the Vvedensky Cathedral, the Church of Mary of Egypt, the Kazan Church, the Vladimir Church, behind the monastery grove there is a monastery in which 24-hour services take place.


The Solovetsky Monastery is located on the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea, between the Arkhangelsk region and Karelia. Solovki are well known both in Russia and abroad. The first monks settled here in the 17th century. The monastery created here was supported by Veliky Novgorod and Moscow. It soon became one of the largest in the country. Suffered an attack by the Swedes and was devastated by the tsarist troops

After the change in the political system, prisoners began to be exiled to Solovki. Alexander Solzhenitsyn dedicated entire chapters of his novel The Gulag Archipelago to Solovki. Only in the 60s of the last century did they begin to restore the monastery here.

Today, tourists and pilgrims can visit a unique history museum, the local Kremlin, the Church of the Ascension, the Botanical Garden, the Filippov Islands, the labyrinths of Bolshoy Zayatsky Island - one of them is the largest in the world, the Muksalm Dam, a man-made system of canals and lakes. Also built here is the Church of St. Andrew the First-Called, founded by Peter I.

These are just a few attractions located on Solovki. Three days are not enough to see everything. But the most important thing that attracts tourists here is the unique nature. The cleanest water of the lakes, magnificent views from the islands.

Gerasimov Mikhail

Dear friends! We offer you an amazing opportunity to visit the Donskoy Monastery online, get acquainted with the history of the monastery and its shrines. The presentation was prepared by a student of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 922 Mikhail Gerasimov under the guidance of the teacher of Russian language and literature Anastasia Valentinovna Bogacheva.



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Slide captions:

Virtual excursion “Donskoy Monastery” The presentation was prepared by a student of GBOU secondary school No. 922 7 “B” class Mikhail Gerasimov

Donskoy Monastery in the past and present In the summer of 1591, the cunning and cruel Khan Kazy-Girey rushed to Moscow from the south. At this time, Rus' was waging a difficult war with the Swedes and the main Russian army was in the north-west of the country. The Crimean Khan, having carried out a reconnaissance battle, stood at the Sparrow Hills and prepared for an attack. The archers who remained in the capital set up a mobile wooden fortress, Gulyai-Gorod, between the Tula and Kaluga roads. They set up a camp and erected a linen, camp church in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich placed in it the Don Icon of the Mother of God, revered as the patroness of Russian soldiers. Before the miraculous image, they prayed tearfully all night and religious processions were held.

Laying the foundation of the Donskoy Monastery In the morning, a miracle happened: the khan fled without a fight, abandoning the wounded and carts of loot. In commemoration of gratitude for the intercession of the Mother of God, Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich ordered the construction of a monastery in the name of Our Lady of the Don on the spot where the camp church stood.

Don icon and its list. The Don Icon got its name in memory of the victory of Russian soldiers on the Kulikovo Field. Lists appear from it. One of them, written by Theophan the Greek, is placed in the camp church of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Original (Tretyakov Gallery) List (Great Cathedral of the Monastery) Author - Theophan the Greek Author - Simeon Ushakov (16th century) September 1 - transfer of the icon for 1 day to the Donskoy Monastery

Temples and cathedrals of the Donskoy Monastery: Small (old) cathedral. One of the most ancient buildings is a small cathedral in honor of the Don Icon B.M. The cathedral was founded in 1593. During troubled times, the monastery was devastated by the Poles. Only with the establishment of the Romanov dynasty on the throne were the sovereign's concerns about the monastery resumed. In the small cathedral, the rite of Chrismation is traditionally performed in the first week of Great Lent (once every four years).

Large (new) cathedral Almost 100 years after the construction of the small cathedral, a large cathedral is being built, also in honor of the Don Icon B.M. It is being built at the expense of Peter I's sister, Ekaterina Alekseevna. The temple was built in the Moscow Baroque style with the domes oriented to the four cardinal directions. Under the altar of the large cathedral there is a crypt, the burial place of the Georgian kings. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich granted political asylum to the Georgian royal family - Bagrationi. In the crypt of the large cathedral, a temple was built in honor of the Presentation of the Lord, which became their tomb.

The interior decoration of the large cathedral. The seven-tiered iconostasis of the 17th century has been preserved. One of the authors of the iconostasis is Karp Zolotarev. Paintings of the temple of the Italian architect Claudi. The main shrines of the cathedral are the Don Icon of the Mother of God and the relics of Patriarch Tikhon.

Walls and towers Simultaneously with the large cathedral, the walls of the monastery with 12 towers and two passage gates begin to be built. The corner towers are round, the others are square. The towers have loopholes for lower and middle combat. The top of the walls is completed with battle battlements in the form of a swallowtail. They were erected at the expense of Yakov Kirilov, the son of the Duma clerk, the future monk of the Donskoy Monastery.

Gate temples Above the passage gates, bell towers with gate temples were built in the 18th century: The Western Gate is completed with a three-tier bell tower in the Elizabethan Baroque style. The bell tower took about 25 years to be built according to the design of the Italian architect Trezzini. In the lower tier is the Church of the Righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth.

Plague riot In 1771, a plague epidemic broke out in Moscow. Muscovites, resorting to the intercession of the Mother of God, prayed in front of her miraculous image, placed on the barbaric gates of Kitay-Gorod. Archbishop Ambrose removed the icon from the gate, wanting to stop the dangerous gathering of people and the spread of infection. He himself took refuge in the Donskoy Monastery. An angry crowd rushed to the monastery, broke into the temple, took the archbishop outside the walls of the monastery and tore him to pieces. The torn bishop lay for a day at the northern gate. He was buried in the small cathedral of the Donskoy Monastery.

Gate churches Above the server rooms, an elegant four-tier bell tower in the Naryshkin Baroque style with the Church of the Tikhvin Mother of God “under the bells” was erected. Architect - Ivan Zarudny. Next to the bell tower there is a 2-story building - a former chancellery, now there are patriarchal cells where Patriarch Tikhon was kept in custody from 1922 to 1925. Now there is a museum there.

Saint Tikhon The future patriarch was born in 1865 in the Pskov province into the family of a priest. The boy's name was Vasily, there were four children in the family. He graduated from seminary and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. In 1891 he took monastic vows with the name Tikhon (in honor of Tikhon of Zadonsk). At the age of 33 he became a bishop. For almost 10 years he headed the Orthodox Church in America. On November 18, 1917, he was elected Patriarch of All Rus' in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Since May 1922, the saint was in the Donskoy Monastery, almost in complete isolation and under the strictest guard of the Red Army. On December 9, 1924, St. Tikhon’s cell attendant, Yakov Polozov, was killed with two shots at point-blank range. It is quite obvious that the shots were intended for the patriarch himself. But the killers shot the cell attendant by mistake. The saint was deeply distressed by his death and his health deteriorated sharply. On April 7, 1925, on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, he departed to the Lord. The church is orphaned.

Finding of the relics Saint Tikhon was buried in the small cathedral of the monastery. On November 18, 1991, there was a deliberate arson in the small cathedral, but the fire was miraculously stopped. During the restoration of the temple, the relics of Patriarch Tikhon were discovered at great depths, which the Bolsheviks were unable to discover in Soviet times. Saint Tikhon was canonized and his holy relics were transferred to the large cathedral of the Donskoy Monastery, where they rest to this day.

Pearl of Moscow

Yulia Shcherbakova
Lesson-excursion (correspondence) “Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery”

Subject lesson: Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery.

Form lesson: lesson - excursion.

Target lesson: to promote students’ interest in the history of Moscow and Orthodox shrines.



Introduce the role of the Orthodox monasteries in the history of the state;

Form an idea about monastic life;

Introduce the architectural ensemble monastery.


To cultivate a value attitude towards the spiritual, historical and cultural heritage of our state.

Development of universal educational actions:

Development of the skill of constructing oral speech statements;

Development of the ability to highlight the moral content of an action;

Development of the ability to morally and spiritually evaluate the content being learned.

Activities: dialogue, excursion, teacher's story.

Basic Concepts: monastery, monk, tonsure

Methodological support: camera, notepad, handouts (diagram monastery, excursion plan,

Equipment: Projector for showing presentations « Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery» , an audio device for listening to an audio recording of a song « Monastery» .

Location: Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery.

Address: 127051, Russia, Moscow, Petrovka street, building 28/2. Tel.: 8 (495) 621-37-30. Website:

Plan lesson

1. Organizational moment. Instruction on traffic rules and rules of conduct in monastery.

2. Subject message lesson.

3. Conversation with students while listening to audio recordings.

4. Statement of a problematic question.

5. Discussion of meaning and role monasteries in the history of Russia.

6. Acquaintance with the architectural ensemble monastery.

7. Consolidation.

8. Homework.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Today we have an unusual lesson: we will take an excursion to monastery, which gave its name to the street and boulevard. We will visit Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery.

3. Teacher: Listen to the song « Monastery» and answer questions:

What are the songs about?

How does this piece of music make you feel?

Have you been to monastery?

Which monasteries you know in Moscow?

What street do you think it is located on? monastery?

Learning new material

4. Problematic issue: is it easy to be monk?

5. Monastery has a centuries-old history, which we will get to know today. The best way to learn about history monasteries- This is to go on excursions. Monastery- a word of Greek origin and is translated as "hermitage". This is a religious community monks and nuns, which is a church-economic organization that owns lands and capital; it is also the church's living quarters and grounds. Monastery governed by the abbot or abbess.

Role monasteries in Rus' cannot be overestimated. And their main service to the Russian people is that they were the largest centers of education. IN chronicles were kept in monasteries, which brought to this day information about all significant events in the history of the Russian people. Thrived in monasteries icon painting and the art of book writing, translations of theological, historical and literary works into Russian were carried out.

Monasteries They spent a significant part of their income on charitable purposes. At the monasteries there were almshouses, hospitals, orphanages, schools, and seminaries. Monasteries They also played a big role in the defense and formation of spirituality and in the cultural development of the Russian people.

Monk- this is a servant of God who voluntarily decided to retire from the temptations of the world and took vows of non-covetousness, celibacy, unceasing prayer and obedience. Taking monastic tonsure, a person renounces his personal will, he is given a new name. Cloth monks has symbolic meaning (cassock, cassock, belt, mantle, rosary, kamilavka, hood). The black vestment is a symbol of repentance, crying over one's sins and renouncing the world.

There are three ranks tonsure:

1. In the ryassophore (or monasticism);

2. Into the mantle (small schema);

3. To the schema (to the great schema).

1. Acquaintance with the architectural ensemble monastery.

Slides No. 1, 2.

From the Petrovsky Gate Square there is a view of monastery- this is one of the oldest monasteries in the city of Moscow and the history of the monastery is connected with the formation of the Moscow Principality.

Ivan Kalita, concerned about the unification of Russian lands around Moscow, proposed to Metropolitan Peter of Kyiv and All Rus' to move the metropolitan see from Kyiv to the outskirts of the city, to which the patriarch agreed.

Place under Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery identified on the banks of the Neglinka River near the village High. The first religious building built on this site was a wooden church in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. Initially monastery was called Petropavlovsky.

In 1326, Metropolitan Peter dies. His resting place was the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin. After some time, pilgrims visiting his grave began talking about cases of healing from various ailments. Based on these facts, the Ecumenical Council of Constantinople canonized the patriarch as a saint in 1339.

Slide No. 3, 4.

Teacher: You and I are heading to monastery. /Remind the children about the rules of behavior. / Let's approach the Holy Gate.

Upon entering monastery From Petrovka Street in 1690-1696, the Holy Gates with a gate church in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary were built. The building consists of three parts. The lower tier - the Holy Gate - serves as the main entrance to the territory monastery. The second tier houses the Church of the Intercession - the abbots’ chapel monastery. An openwork two-tier belfry with a bulbous dome rises above the temple. A stone bell tower architecturally completed the western side monastery ensemble. The Holy Gate was built by order of Peter I, who wanted to perpetuate the memory of his relatives who died during the shooting riot.

There is not a single temple in the world whose interior decoration is entirely made of ceramics. Intercession Church unique: here the throne, icons, lamps, chandelier and altar are made of ceramic tiles. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexei II, all the consecrated things and objects for the temple were made by the artist G. V. Kupriyanov.

Slides No. 5, 6.

From the bell tower we will go to the right to the small red-brick single-domed Cathedral of Peter the Metropolitan. We are with you in the center monastery.

Cathedral of St. Peter Metropolitan of Moscow - the main temple monastery- was founded on the site of a wooden church in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul, which after the death and canonization of Metropolitan Peter in 1339 was reconsecrated in his honor.

In 1514, the old wooden church was dismantled, and in its place the Italian architect Aleviz (New) Fryazin, built a new stone pillar cathedral, consecrated in the name of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow.

In 1690, a year after Princess Sophia was removed from power, Peter's Cathedral was renovated in the Naryshkin Baroque style and solemnly consecrated in the presence of Tsar Peter Alekseevich. Then the monastery began to be called Vysoko-Petrovsky. At the same time the walls were painted monastery that have survived to this day.

Pay attention to the architecture of the cathedral - it is a pillar-shaped, eight-petalled temple, which is crowned with a two-tier helmet-shaped dome with a cross.

Heyday Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery in the 17th century is associated with the patronage of the noble family of boyars, the Naryshkins, who were relatives on the maternal side of the future Emperor Peter I. The fact is that their possessions were located next to monastery walls. The Naryshkin chambers became part of the complex of local buildings, and the monastery became the family’s favorite place of prayer. Peter I's mother Natalya Kirillovna often came here.

In 1694 monks of the Bogolyubsky Monastery They present young Peter with an icon - a copy of the miraculous image of the Bogolyubsk Icon of the Mother of God, in whose honor the future emperor ordered the construction of a temple of the same name in 1684. The cult building became the tomb of the Naryshkin family of boyars. Under its arches lie 18 relatives of the great Peter I.

Slide number 8.

In the territory monastery, next to the Bogolyubskaya Church, stands a small chapel erected over the grave of Kirill Naryshkin.

Slide number 9.

On the other side of the Metropolitan Peter Cathedral there is a temple building very similar to the Bogolyubskaya Church, also crowned with a five-domed dome. This is a cathedral in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh, built in 1690-1694 in memory of the rescue of Peter I from the shooters outside the walls of the Trinity-Sergius monastery in 1689. The prototype for this temple was the refectory church in the Trinity Monastery.

Slide number 10.

Opposite the entrance to Peter's Cathedral there is a miniature church built in 1740-1750. at the expense of the descendants of the Naryshkins in honor of the Tolga Icon of the Mother of God. The feast of this icon falls on August 21, exactly on this day in 1689. Peter I fled from Moscow under the protection of Trinity-Sergius monastery. In memory of this event, the temple was named Tolgsky.

Slide number 11.

In the 18th century, the gate temple of St. Pachomius the Great was erected above the southern gate. In 1914, the church was reconsecrated in the name of the apostles Peter and Paul.

Slides No. 12,13.

Decoration Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery is the building of fraternal cells. An arched gallery-gulbische borders high a two-story building from the courtyard, and the windows of the second floor are decorated with beautiful columnar frames. The cell building from the Petrovka side is especially impressive.

2. Consolidation.

Our excursion has come to an end. Thank you for participating in lesson- excursions and attention to the presented topic.

Let's summarize.

1. Problematic question: do you think it’s easy to be monk? (Students' answers)

2. Working with terms and their definitions

What is the name of the abbot? monastery? (Hegumen)

Eating food accompanied by reading the lives of the saints. (meal)

Strict obligations monk. (Vow)

A vestment that envelops the entire body as a sign of life under God's protection? (Mantle)

3. Name the temples in the area monastery. (Students' answers)

4. Where is the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary located? Why is it called gateway? (Students' answers)

8. Homework.

Take parents on a tour of Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery according to the plan (see handout).

Literature, sources

Moscow Institute of Open Education, laboratory of history, culture and religions. Advanced training courses for teachers in ORKSE, OPK

Methodological materials on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.

12 lessons of Orthodoxy.

Methodological guide to the textbook by O. L. Yanushkyavichene, Yu. S. Vasechko, Archpriest Viktor Dorofeev, O. N. Yashina “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture", M., 2014

Smirnov E.I., History of the Christian Church, M., 2007

Tikhon (Polyansky, hierome. Journey into the history of Russians monasteries. M., 2007

    Slide 2

    Tourist routes of the “Golden Ring” pass through ancient Russian cities, where unique monuments of the history and culture of Russia have been preserved, which are the center of folk crafts. The Golden Ring includes eight main cities - Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir.

    Slide 3

    Slide 4


    Named in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who founded the Trinity Monastery. Ivan the Terrible was baptized in the monastery.

    The monastery ensemble is made of brick and is a classic example of Pskov architecture; it includes more than 50 different buildings.

    Slide 5

    Trinity-Sergius Lavra

    From 1919 to 1946 the monastery was closed. Today the Lavra is a functioning monastery, the spiritual center of Orthodox Russia. On the territory of the monastery there are the Theological Academy and Seminary and a museum-reserve.

    Slide 6

    • Elias Church
    • Ascension Church
    • Assumption Church
  • Slide 7

    Slide 8


    The city was founded in 1152 at the intersection of trade routes by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The name of the city is translated from Old Russian as “taking over glory.”

    The most famous Pereslavl prince was Alexander Nevsky.

    Slide 11

    Slide 13

    Rostov belfry

    It is a heritage of world culture. It consists of 13 bells, which have their own special sound.

    The largest bell weighs 32 tons.

    Slide 14

    Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery

    Located on the western outskirts of the city, on the shores of Lake Nero. The panorama of the monastery with a combination of architectural forms of different styles gives the impression of a fabulous miracle city perfectly integrated into the lakeside landscape.

    Slide 15

    Slide 16


    The city is older than Moscow and bears the name of Yaroslav the Wise. According to legend, the prince killed a bear in a ravine, which was worshiped by the local pagan population, and built the first wooden city in this place, and the bear with an ax became the coat of arms of the city.

    Slide 17

    Spassky Monastery

    The ensemble of the monastery includes: the fence and towers, the Holy Gate, the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Church of the Yaroslavl Wonderworkers, the refectory and abbot's chambers, the belfry, the sacristy, and the building of monastic cells.

    Slide 19

    Slide 20


    It was founded in 1152 by Yuri Dolgoruky. According to legend, robbers were hiding in impenetrable forests, from whom “there was no way at all.” Yuri Dolgoruky dealt with the robbers. And on the scorched earth the city of Kostroma appeared.

    Slide 21

    Ipatiev Monastery.

    The territory of the monastery consists of two parts: the Old and New Town. Both areas are surrounded by high stone walls. The old city has the shape of an irregular pentagon. In the center of the monastery there is a five-domed Trinity Cathedral and a belfry.

    Slide 22

    In 1773 During the fire, all wooden buildings burned down. Catherine II wished to see Kostroma as her unfurled fan.

    Shopping arcades

    Slide 23

    Slide 24


    Ivanovo was founded in 1871 with the merger of the village of Ivanovo and Voznesensky Posad. The city is famous for its industry, educational institutions and revolutionary history.

    Slide 25

    • Shchudrovskaya tent
    • Convent
    • Wooden Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    • House-ship
  • Slide 26

    Slide 27

    The city has a happy and significant destiny in the history of the country. It was destroyed more than once, it suffered from fires and epidemics, but was revived to life. There was not a single major historical event in Russia in which Suzdal or its citizens did not participate.

    The symbol of the city is the Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery

    Slide 28

    Suzdal Kremlin

    Located in the bend of the Kamenka River. It preserved the earthen ramparts and ditches of the ancient fortress, several churches and the ensemble of the bishop's courtyard with the Nativity Cathedral.

    Today, one of the exhibitions of the Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve is located in the Golden Gate building.

    Slide 33

    Dmitrievsky Cathedral

    It is decorated with carvings and sculptures, the main theme of which is the glorification of wise power.

    Many symbolic figures are depicted, with lions and griffins predominating. Russian and Byzantine masters worked.

    Slide 34

    The Golden Ring of Russia is a timeless, always relevant route that tells about

    history of the Russian state, shows unique historical and architectural monuments. The Golden Ring is a repository of Russian cultural heritage that needs to be preserved.

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